Welcome to Pc1 Zone's Website!

Call us on all products for pricing and availability


Well sell new and used Dell laptops in a large variety.


We Carry both DDR 1 and 2 RAM.

Hard Drives

We have 80GB and higher in new hard drives (IDE and SATA). All used hard disks have been formatted and tested.

Video Cards

We keep in stock regular PCI, AGP, and PCI express video cards.

Networking Cable

Our network cables range from 2 to 100 feet in length and all have RJ-45 connectors attached.

Networking Devices

We keep in house networking routers, switches, wireless laptop cards and USB wireless adapters.


We carry used and monitors and have LCDs in stock in 15", 17" and 19".

Used Computers

We have used computers, all units have been formatted and have Operating System installed. And all come with individual evaluation sheets.


We sell new and used CPUs in Intel brand.

USB Devices

We sell USB cables (6 and 10 foot), hub and internal PCI cards.

USB Flash Drives

We sell new USB flash drives in different sizes.
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Mortgage Calculator!
(if it does not work correctly, try removing all but numbers, and decimals)

Principal: $
Interest: %
Term: years

A joke from tech support:

When you can't find someone in the government directory, call tech support. Due to budget restrictions, we double as 411.